Facts & Stats

Pressure Injuries (Ulcers)

In 2019, pressure injuries cost the healthcare system $26.8 billion.

Fact: 60,000 patients die every year in the U.S. alone due to pressure injuries.

Fact: 95% of pressure injuries are preventable.

Fact: An average 300-bed hospital with a 2.4% incidence rate spends $14 million on pressure injuries.

Fact: The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) does not cover costs associated with stage 3 and 4 pressure injuries.

Caregiver Injuries

In 2019, caregiver injuries cost the healthcare system $17.86 billion.

Fact: An average caregiver lifts 1.8 tons per shift.

Fact: There are 71,000 job-related injuries per year.

Fact: 93% of caregivers report injuries from turning or changing a patient.

Fact: 25% of healthcare workers file compensation claims due to patient handling.

The emotional and physical strain of caregiving can lead to higher levels of stress, impacting mental health and overall well-being. (The Office of Women’s Health)

Existing Product Alternatives

Current alternatives are uncomfortable for the patient and cause injuries to both the patient and caregiver.

Fact: Overhead lifts are used 3% of the time because they take too long to use. There are no wound care options with lifts.

Fact: Draw sheets and slides require at least two nurses to use them. There are no wound care options with draw sheets.

Fact: The traditional incontinence pads do not offer patient-turning solutions.

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Fact: An increase in patient satisfaction scores can increase your 5-star rating.

Fact: CMS will penalize institutions 1% of their reimbursement for high rates of pressure injuries.

Fact: A lower rating limits your reimbursement.

Fact: A lower rating affects the customer’s choice to switch to a competitor.

Return on Investment

The Q2 Solution can save the average 250-bed organization more than $15 million per year.

Fact: Not only does the Q2 Solution Hands-Free Turning and Changing Device improve patient and nurse care, but it also saves lives by significantly saving the organization money.

Fact: No other single device can positively affect all these cost variables.

Fact: Contact Arise Healthcare today to enter your numbers into our ROI calculator and see the savings for yourself.




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